Barely Legal - Vol 21 No.2 October 2013 Pdf
Barely Legal - Vol 21 No.2 October 2013 Pdf' title='Barely Legal - Vol 21 No.2 October 2013 Pdf' />Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U. S. Surveillance State by Glenn Greenwald. ABC, 2. 35. ABC News, 2. Abramson, Jill, 2. Abu Ghraib scandal, 2. Access and Target Development NSA, 1. Ackerman, Spencer, 6. Aeroflot, 1. 35. Afghanistan War, 1. Agriculture, Department of, 1. Alexander, Keith B., 9. Algeria, 1. 23. Al Qaeda, 1. Amanpour, Christiane, 2. Amash, Justin, 2. American citizens. See domestic surveillance. American Civil Liberties Union ACLU, 1. Amesys, 4. Anonymous, 8, 1. AOL, 2. 1, 1. 08, 1. Apple, 2. 1, 7. 5, 1. Apuzzo, Matt, 1. 86. Wisdom teeth removal can lead to serious complications but so can keeping your wisdom teeth. Determine if you should extract or not extract. Barely Legal - Vol 21 No.2 October 2013 Pdf' title='Barely Legal - Vol 21 No.2 October 2013 Pdf' />Arab Spring, 4. Area Sp. A, 4. Argentina, 1. Armed Forces Services Corporation AFSC, 1. ARTIFICE, 1. 07. Assad, Bashar al, 4. Assange, Julian, 1. Associated Press, 7. AT T, 1. 03, 1. Atlantic, 2. Aurora shootings, 2. Australia, 2. 3, 9. Austria, 1. 23. Axelrod, David, 2. Balkin, Jack, 1. 27. Unlawful immigration and amnesty for current unlawful immigrants can pose large fiscal costs for U. S. taxpayers. Bamford, James, 9. Baquet, Dean, 2. 33. BBC, 2. 34. BEBO, 1. Belgium, 1. 23, 1. Bentham, Jeremy, 1. Bergen, Peter, 2. Bernstein, Walter, 1. Biden, Joe, 1. 99. Bing search, 1. 56. Binney, William, 9. Blackberry, 1. 65. BLACKHEART, 1. 47blacklist, 1. BLACKPEARL, 1. 35. BLARNEY, 1. 023, 1. Blogger, with Focus on Surveillance New York Times article, 2. Bloomberg News, 4. Bolivia, 4. 9Booz Allen Hamilton, 4. Bosnia, 1. 43. Boston Marathon bombing, 2. BOUNDLESS INFORMANT, 3. Brandeis, Louis, 1. Brandenburg v. Ohio, 1. Brazil, 9. 0, 9. 2, 1. Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy, 9. BRECKENRIDGE cable site, 1. For people with thyroid disorders, is iodine a crucial nutrient or harmful toxin Read this to find out. In May 2013, Glenn Greenwald set out for Hong Kong to meet an anonymous source who claimed to have astonishing evidence of pervasive government spying and insisted on. Subscribe and SAVE, give a gift subscription or get help with an existing subscription by clicking the links below each cover image. Britain United Kingdom. See also Government Communications Headquarters GCHQdomestic spying and, 1. Five Eyes and, 9. Guardian and, 2. 38, 2. Miranda detention and, 1. The Eurofighter Typhoon is a twinengine, canarddelta wing, multirole fighter. The Typhoon was designed originally as an air superiority fighter and is manufactured. Barely Legal - Vol 21 No.2 October 2013 Pdf' title='Barely Legal - Vol 21 No.2 October 2013 Pdf' />Broadwell, Paula, 8. The Dark Knight Arabic on this page. Brooks, David, 2. Brzezinski, Mika, 8. BUFFALOGREEN, 1. 06. Bulgaria, 1. 45. Burns, John, 2. Bush, George W., 12, 5, 5. Campbell, Duncan, 2. Campbell, Joseph, 4. Canada, 2. 3, 9. 1, 9. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBC, 2. Carle, Glenn, 2. 06. Carney, Jay, 2. 35. CBS News, 2. 22cell phones, 1. Center for Advanced Study of Language, University of Maryland, 4. Central Intelligence Agency CIA, 2. Al Qaeda and, 2. Hayden as head of, 9. Miranda laptop and, 2. NSA data sharing and, 1. NYPD surveillance of Muslims and, 1. Obama advisory panel on surveillance and, 2. Snowdens work for, 4. Swiss bankers and, 4. CHAOS operation CIA, 1. Chavez, Hugo, 1. 39. Cheney, Dick, 2. 17. Chilling Effects NSA Surveillance Drives U. S. Writers to Self Censor PEN report, 2. Chilling Effects of Surveillance, The White and Zimbardo, 1. China, 5, 9. 2, 1. Snowden accused of spying for, 4. Chinese Internet companies, 1. Christmas day bomber, 2. Church, Frank, 3, 2. Church Committee, 2. Cincinnatus, 71. Cisco, 1. Clapper, James, 3. Clemons, Steve, 2. Clinton, Hillary, 1. Close Access SIGADS, 1. CNBC, 1. 70, 2. 19. CNET, 1. 71. CNN, 7. Cohen, Richard, 2. COINTELPRO, 1. 838. Coleman, Gabriella, 1. Colombia, 1. 06, 1. Comey, James, 2. 21. Commerce, Department of, 1. Committee to Protect Journalists, 2. Communications Services Establishment Canada CSEC, 1. Communists, 1. 84, 1. Computer Network Exploitation CNE, 1. Conyers, John, 2. Cooper, Anderson, 2. Cornyn, John, 2. 08. Corona, Jorge, 1. Corporate Partner Access CPA portfolio, 1. Croatia, 1. 23. Cryptocat, 5. CRYPTO ENABLED, 1. C SPAN, 2. 49. Cuba, 1. CUSTOMS, 1. 47. Czech Republic, 1. Data Intercept Technology Unit DITU, FBI, 1. Defense, Department of, 1. Defense Intelligence Agency, 3. Dell Corporation, 4. See also freedom. Democracy Now TV show, 9. Democratic National Committee, 2. Democrats, 1. 972. Denial of Service attacks, 1. Denmark, 9. 3, 1. Dershowitz, Alan, 2. Destination Short Message Entity DSME, 1. DEWSWEEPER, 1. 47. Dialed Number Recognition DNR, 9. Digital Network Intelligence DNI, 9. Discipline and. Punish Foucault, 1. Disruption Operational Playbook GCHQ, 1. FBI and, 1. 838. GCHQ and, 1. NSA and, 1. 859. See also contents metadata National Security Agency surveillance warrantless wiretapping scandal and specific agencies and programs. Five Eyes and, 2. Downie, Leonard, Jr., 2. DROPMIRE, 1. 47drug addiction centers, 1. East German Ministry of State Security Stasi, 4, 1. Ecuador, 4. 9Edward Snowden The Whistleblower Behind the NSA Surveillance Revelations Guardian article 8. EGOTISTICAL GIRAFFE, 9. Egypt, 4, 1. 41, 1. Electronic Communications Surveillance Unit ECSU, FBI, 1. Ellsberg, Daniel, 3. Energy, Department of, 1. Energy and Research Branch NSA, 1. Espionage Act 1. Ethiopia, 1. European tech companies, 2. European Union, 9. Evolutionary Psychology, 1. Facebook, 1. 8, 2. Face the Nation TV show, 1. FAIRVIEW, 1. 02, 1. Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI, 3, 2. Al Qaeda and, 2. 04. COINTELPRO and, 1. Muslims and, 1. 86. Patriot Act and, 2. PRISM and, 7. 7, 1. Snowden and, 5. 15. STORMBREW and, 1. X KEYSCORE and, 1. Feinstein, Dianne, 7. Felten, Edward, 1. Finland, 1. 23. First Amendment, 1. FISA. See Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Five Eyes alliance FVEY, 2. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISA, 1. Amendments Act 2. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISA court, 2. Verizon and, 2. 72. Yahoo and, 1. 09foreign leaders, 1. Foreign Partner ReviewFiscal Year 2. Fiscal year 2. 01. Foreign Policy, 9. Foucault, Michel, 1. Fourth Amendment, 13, 2. Fox News, 6. 0, 2. France, 4, 9. 0, 9. Frank, Anne, 5freedomprivacy and, 1. Snowden on, 4. 64. UK and, 2. 384. 0Gabon, 1. Gazprom, 1. 35. GCHQ. See Government Communications Headquarters. Gellman, Barton, 1. GENIE, 1. 47. Georgia, 1. Germany, 4, 9. 0, 9. See also Nazi Germany. Gibbs, Robert, 2. Gibson, Janine, 2. Global Access Operations unit, 9. Global Telecoms Exploitation GTE, GCHQ, 1. Gmail, 8, 7. 7, 1. Goldman, Adam, 1. Goldsmith, Jack, 2. Good Morning America TV show, 7. Google, 1. 8, 2. 0, 2. Google Earth, 1. 55. Google Maps, 1. 56. Gore, Al, 7. 2Government Communications Headquarters GCHQ, British intelligenceairlines and, 1. Alexander and, 9. Anonymous and, 1. Facebook and, 1. 616. Guardian hard drives and, 2. Miranda detention and, 2. NSA partnership with, 1. PROJECT BULLRUN and, 9. TARMAC and, 9. 7Thieving Magpie and, 1. Grayson, Alan, 1. Greece, 1. 03, 1. Greek mythology, 4. Gregory, David, 2. Griffith, Morgan, 1. Guantanamo, 2. 45. Guardian, 8. 1, 9. Snowden story, 2. NSA article of, 2. Snowden stories published by, 5. GCHQ reporting by, 1. GCHQ threats to, and hard drive, 2. Hersh and, 2. 35. Hong Kong support for Snowden and, 8. Hong Kong trip and, 2. Snowden stories and, 2. Miranda and, 2. 37, 2. New York Times and 2. Snowden identity revealed by, 8. Guthrie, Savannah, 8. Halberstam, David, 2. Harnden, Toby, 2. Harper, Stephen, 2. Harris, Shane, 9. Harvard Law Review, 1. Hayden, Michael, 9. Heinrich, Martin, 2. Hero with a Thousand Faces, The Campbell, 4. Hersh, Seymour, 2. Hertzberg, Hendrik, 1. HIGHLANDS, 1. 46. HIV, 1. 33. Holder, Eric, 2. Holt, Rush, 2. 05. Homeland Security, Department of DHS, 1. Homing Pigeon, 1. Hong Kong, 1. 61. Hoover, J. Edgar, 1. Hotmail, 1. 15, 1. Huawei, 1. 474. 8Hudson Institute, 2. Huffington Post, 2. Human Science Operation Cell HSOC, GCHQ, 1. Hungary, 1. 23. Iceland, 4. ICREACH, 1. 32Identifying Challenges Geopolitical Trends for 2. NSA, 1. 41images, collection of, 1. India, 9. 0, 9. 2, 1. Indonesia, 1. 26infiltration, 1. Inglis, John, 1. 18. Intelligence Defence Signals Directorate Australia, 1. Internal Revenue Service IRS, 1. International Mobile Equipment Identifier IMEI, 1. International Mobile Subscriber Identifier IMSI, 1. International Security, 2. International Securities Issues ISA, NSA, 1. Internet, 4. 3. See also specific companies and servicesairlines and, 1. X KEYSCORE, 1. 535.