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Bible Words, Phonetic Pronunciation, Including Historical and Other Related Words. THE DAILY STUDY BIBLE SERIES. REVISED EDITION. THE GOSPEL OF LUKE. REVISED EDITION. Translated with an Introduction and Interpretation by WILLIAM BARCLAY. This article argues article that Genesis Garden of Eden and its concept of a resting God setting aside a seventh day as a Sabbath rest day is derived, in part, from. Sabbath Origins. The Pre biblical Origins of the Hebrew Shabbatand its derivation from the 2. B. C. Shuruppak Flood appearing in. The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Epic of Atra Khasisby. Original draft 2. April 1. 99. 9Revisions Updates through 2. July 2. 00. 9Since the 1. Dec. 2. 00. 0 posting of this article on the internet at this website there have been over 1. My notebooks reveal that I had made this association by 1. April 1. 99. 6 while living at Walldorf by Heidelberg, Baden Wurttemburg, Germany 1. Orion Discussion List hosted by The Hebrew University, Jerusalem by 2. April 1. 99. 9 when I was aged 5. I also made this e mail attachment paper available to interested participants of the b Hebrew List on 0. December 1. 99. 9. Now 2. 00. 9 I am aged 6. Please click here for my background in biblical studies. New Bible Black Complete Version Restored Torrent' title='New Bible Black Complete Version Restored Torrent' />US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has repurposed cellphone tracking technology typically used in criminal investigations to track down at least one immigrant for. Watch32 Watch Movies on Watch32. Watch32 is the Biggest Library of free Full Movies. Watch 32 Movies Online. Filesharing websites are not exactly known for their sterling reputation, though a few such as famed torrent site the Pirate Bay have been around for long enough. Purple122/v4/c6/13/d2/c613d2db-6027-d31b-dd06-dd78e6600715/source/392x696bb.jpg' alt='New Bible Black Complete Version Restored Torrent' title='New Bible Black Complete Version Restored Torrent' />Please click here for an interesting article on Sabbath observation in the USA, 1. A warning to the viewer especially if you are a devout Christian, Jew or Moslem My research at this website is that of a Secular Humanist. Secular Humanists understand that the Bible is not the word of God for the reasons why please click here. Secular Humanists seek to explain the Bibles concepts as evolving from within the context of the Ancient Near East and its religious notions regarding the origins of the world, why man was created and what his purpose in life is. If asked to briefly summarize my understanding of the Hebrew God, Yahweh Elohim, it would be best encapsulated by the Latin Motto now found on the money of the United States of America E PLURIBUS UNUM From Many, One. That is to say I understand that the Hebrews took the many gods and goddesses of Mesopotamia, Syria, Canaan and Phoenicia, and ascribed their powers, feats, epithets and personas to their God. Whereas MANY GODS and GODDESSES were responsible for the Shuruppak Flood in the Hebrew transformation and recasting as Noahs Flood it is only ONE GOD who is responsible. I understand that many of the Hebrew notions about the relationship between God and Man are deliberate refutationsandchallenges of the beliefs held by the Mesopotamians, said refutations being in the form of a series of 1. Mesopotamian concepts. Purple122/v4/ed/5a/fd/ed5afda3-e23c-c713-8cab-55afb4984891/source/392x696bb.jpg' alt='New Bible Black Complete Version Restored Torrent' title='New Bible Black Complete Version Restored Torrent' />THE DAILY STUDY BIBLE SERIES REVISED EDITION. THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Volume I Chapters 1 to 10 REVISED EDITION. Translated with an Introduction and Interpretation. There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans Cainites united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. This article in a nutshell It is argued that by employing a new twist an inversion the Hebrews had a God Yahweh Elohim coming to REST ON A SEVENTH DAY after CREATING A WORLD AND MANKIND instead of all the gods and goddesses RESTING ON A SEVENTH DAY after DESTROYING A WORLD AND MANKIND with a flood. The gods had created man to be their slave to provide them with daily food rations from their gardens of edin edin being the uncultivated plain of Sumer surrounding the cities and city gardens built by the gods for themselves to live in before mans creation for all of eternity man is to endure back breaking toil in these gardens growing the gods food thereby giving themselves the equivalent of an eternal Shabbat or Sabbath Rest from earthly toil. Mans toil will provide the gods with lifes necessities food, shelter and clothing The gods needed to eat earthly food or they would starve to death, in Mesopotamian myths the gods can die. The gods would never release man from the grievous toil in their gardens of edin and grant him immortality because they did not want to resume again their previous grievous toil in providing lifes necessities for themselves. The gods eternal Sabbath Rest from toil on the earth was made possible by man toiling in their place in the gardens of edin. The gods faced, however, a serious problem, by creating man to toil in their place in the gardens thereby giving themselves Rest from earthly toil they could not enjoy this Rest in peace and quiet for mans clamor or noise objecting to his grievous toil in edins gardens made it impossible for the gods to relax and sleep in peace and quiet. Their solution was to destroy man with a Flood and thereby obtain for themslves an eternal quiet, peaceful Rest. That day of peaceful quiet Rest and Sleep occurred on the 7th day of the Shuruppak Flood with mans annihilation. On the seventh day the gods at last enjoyed their Shabbat Rest from toil with peaceful sleep because of the silence on the earth achieved with mans demise. The Mesopotamian myths, then, agree with Genesis 1 all the gods REST after creating man, and 2 all the gods rest on a seventh day after mans creation but this seventh day of rest is after a flood instead of before a flood and 3 Yahweh sets aside a seventh day for man Israel to rest on and on a seventh day the gods caused man to rest his rest from toil is that which accompanies mans death by the seventh day of the Shuruppak Flood. These, for me, are the new twists the Hebrews have applied to the earlier Mesopotamian myths The Hebrews apparently objected to the Mesopotamian storyline and denied that Yahweh Elohim had created man to endure back breaking toil in his Garden of Eden to give God a break from self toil in growing his own food Yet Yahweh is fed food twice a day like a Mesopotamian god beginning with the Exodus at Mount Sinai and this feeding of God is to continue for all of eternity even after the Messiah comes as Ezekiel envisions a future Messiah at Jerusalem with the help of Levitical priests preparing Gods daily food via burnt offerings and sacrifices cf. Ez. 4. 4 7,1. 5 4. Via a series of brilliantly orchestrated inversions and reversals or new twists to old Mesopotamian motifs and concepts the nomadic Hebrew shepherds apparently recast the Mesopotamian city dwellers myths which had man being the ruthlessly exploited innocent victim of the gods, instead it is God who is the victim of a rebellious, unappreciative, evil hearted mankind. Why did they do this The city dwellers despised and feared the nomads characterizing them as uncouth and a threat to civilization as cut throats, thieves, bandits and raiders of cities out for plunder. In defense of their way of life the nomadic herdsmen apparently took the city dwellers myths and recast them via a series of inversions in such a way as to portray themselves Abraham and Abel being shepherds as blessed by God and the city dwellers Cain and his descendants as the accursed by God. The nomads had the correct understanding of mans origins and his relationship with his Creator, the smug city dwellers had it all wrong. Special Note The Samaritan Bible dates Noahs Flood to 2. B. C. which is a near match to the circa 2. B. C. Flood silt layer which brought and end to the Jamdet Nasr Period at Tell Fara ancient Shuruppak found by Schmidt in his 1. Like Noah, the Shuruppak Flood hero variously called Ziusudra, Atra Khasis, Atrahasis, Atram hasis or Utnapishtim, Utanapishtim releases in sequence three birds to test the abatement of the Flood waters before disembarking and presenting a thank offering sacrifice to the gods for being spared. The historical background to the search for the pre biblical origins of the Sabbath Hebrew Shabbat Prior to 1. Sabbaths origins as presented in the Hebrew Bible. Things changed after 1. Gospel of Matthew, Part ITHE DAILY STUDY BIBLE SERIESREVISED EDITIONTHE GOSPEL OF MATTHEWVolume IChapters 1 to 1. REVISED EDITIONTranslated with an Introduction and Interpretationby WILLIAM. BARCLAYTHE WESTMINSTER PRESSPHILADELPHIARevised Edition. Copyright c 1. 97. William Barclay. First published by. The Saint Andrew Press. Edinburgh, Scotland. First Edition, September. Second Edition, May, 1. Published by The Westminster Press RPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICATOA. Mc. CALWAYS MY FRIENDAND SOMETIMES MY TASKMASTERWITHOUT. WHOSE HELP AND ENCOURAGEMENTTHIS BOOK WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN WRITTENLibrary of Congress Cataloging In Publication Data. Bible. N. T. Matthew. English. Barclay. The Gospel of Matthew. The Daily Study Bible. Rev. ed. 1. Bible. N. T. Matthew Commentaries. I. Barclay,William, lecturer in the University of Glasgow, ed. II. Title. III. Series. BS2. 57. 3 1. 97. ISBN 0 6. 64 2. ISBN 0 6. X v. 1 pbk. GENERAL INTRODUCTIONThe Daily Study Bible series has always had one aim to convey the results of. A. S. Peake delighted in the saying that he. I would be happy if the same could be said. And yet the primary aim of the series has. It could be summed up in the famous words of Richard of. Chichesters prayer to enable men and women to know Jesus Christ more clearly. It is all of twenty years since the first volume of The Daily Study Bible was. The series was the brain child of the late Rev. Andrew Mc. Cosh, M. A. S. T. M., the then Secretary and Manager of the Committee on Publications of the. Church of Scotland, and of the late Rev. R. G. Macdonald, O. B. E., M. A., D. D. Convener. It is a great joy to me to know that all through the years The Daily Study. Bible has been used at home and abroad, by minister, by missionary, by student. Now, after so many printings, it has become necessary to renew the printers. At. the same time, the Biblical quotations within the text have been changed to use. Revised Standard Version, but my own original translation of the New. Testament passages has been retained at the beginning of each daily section. There is one debt which I would be sadly lacking in courtesy if I did not. The work of revision and correction has been done entirely by the. Rev. James Martin, M. A., B. D., Minister of High Carntyne Church, Glasgow. Had it. not been for him this task would never have been undertaken, and it is. It is my prayer that God may continue to use The Daily Study Bible to enable. His word. Glasgow WILLIAM BARCLAYTABLE OF CONTENTSGeneral Introduction. Introduction to Matthew. The Lineage of the King Matt. The. three Stages Matt. The Realization of Mens Dreams Matt. Not the Righteous, but Sinners Matt. The Saviours Entry. World Matt. 1 1. Born of the Holy Spirit Matt. Creation and Re creation Matt. The Birthplace of the. King Matt. 2 1 2The Homage of the East Matt. The Crafty King. Matt. Gifts for Christ Matt. Escape to Egypt Matt. The Slaughter of the Children Matt. Return to Nazareth. Matt. 2 1. 9 2. The Years Between. The Emergence of John the Baptizer. Matt. 3 1 6The Message of John The Threat Matt. The Message. of John The Promise Matt. The Message of John The Promise and The. Threat Matt. 3 7 1. The Message of John The Demand Matt. Jesus. and his Baptism Matt. The Testing Time. The Temptations of Christ. Matt. 4 1 1. 1The Sacred Story Matt. The Attack of the Tempter. Matt. 4 1 1. 1The Son of God Goes Forth Matt. The Herald of God. Matt. 4 1. 2 1. Christ Calls the Fishermen Matt. The Methods of. the Master Matt. The Activities of Jesus Matt. The. Sermon on the Mount. The Supreme Blessedness Matt. The Bliss of the. Destitute Matt. 5 3The Bliss of the Broken Heart Matt. The Bliss. of the God controlled Life Matt. The Bliss of the Starving Spirit. Matt. 5 6The Bliss of Perfect Sympathy Matt. The Bliss of the. Clean Heart Matt. The Bliss of Bringing Men together Matt. The. Bliss of the Sufferer for Christ Matt. The Bliss of the. Blood stained Way Matt. The Salt of the Earth Matt. The. Light of the World Matt. Shining for God Matt. The Eternal. Law Matt. The Essence of the Law Matt. The Law and the. Gospel Matt. The New Authority Matt. The New Standard. Matt. 5 2. 1 4. The Forbidden Anger Matt. Words of Insult Matt. The Insurmountable Barrier Matt. Make Peace in Time. Matt. 5 2. 5 2. The Forbidden Desire Matt. The Surgical Cure. Matt. 5 2. 9 3. The Bond which Must not be Broken Matt. The Bond. that Cannot be Broken Matt. A Word is a Pledge Matt. The End of Oaths Matt. The Ancient Law Matt. The End of Resentment and of Retaliation Matt. Gracious. Giving Matt. Christian Love Matt. The Reward Motive in. Christian Life Matt. Right Things from the Wrong Motive Matt. How not to Give Matt. The Motives of Giving Matt. How Not to Pray Matt. The Disciples Prayer Matt. The Father in Heaven Matt. The Hallowing of the Name Matt. The Prayer for Reverence Matt. Gods Kingdom and Gods Will. Matt. 6 1. 0Our Daily Bread Matt. Forgiveness, Human and Divine. Matt. 6 1. 2,1. 4,1. The Ordeal of Temptation Matt. The Attack of. Temptation Matt. The Defense against Temptation Matt. How. not to Fast Matt. The True Fasting Matt. The True. Treasure Matt. Download Tema Symbian S60 V3. Treasure in Heaven Matt. The Distorted. Vision Matt. The Necessity of the Generous Eye Matt. The Exclusive Service Matt. The Place of Material. Possessions Matt. The Two Great Questions about Possessions Matt. The Forbidden Worry Matt. Worry and Its Cure Matt. The Folly of Worry Matt. The Error of Judgment Matt. No Man can Judge Matt. The Truth and the Hearer Matt. Reaching Those who are Unfit to Hear Matt. The Charter of. Prayer Matt. The Everest of Ethics Matt. The Golden Rule. of Jesus Matt. Life at the Crossroads Matt. The False. Prophets Matt. Known by their Fruits Matt. The Fruits. of Falseness Matt. On False Pretenses Matt. The Only. True Foundation Matt. Love in Action. The Living Death Matt. Compassion Beyond the Law Matt. True Prudence Matt. A Good Mans Plea Matt. The Passport of Faith Matt. The Power which Annihilates Distance Matt. A Miracle In a. Cottage Matt. Miracles in a Crowd Matt. The Summons to. Count the Cost Matt. The Tragedy of the Unseized Moment Matt. The Peace of the Presence Matt. Calm Amidst the Storm. Matt. 8 2. 3 2. The Demon Haunted Universe Matt. The Defeat of. the Demons Matt. The Growth of Opposition. Get Right with God. Matt. 9 1 8The Man whom all Men Hated Matt. A Challenge Issued. Received Matt. 9 9Where the Need is Greatest Matt. Present Joy and Future Sorrow Matt. The Problem of the. New Idea Matt. 9 1. The Imperfect Faith and the Perfect Power Matt. The Awakening Touch Matt. All Heavens Power for. One Matt. 9 2. 0 2. Faiths Test and Faiths Reward Matt. The. Two Reactions Matt. The Threefold Work Matt. The Divine. Compassion Matt. The Waiting Harvest Matt. The Messengers. of the King Matt. The Making of the Messengers Matt. The. Commission of the Kings Messenger Matt. The Words and Works of the. Kings Messenger Matt. The Equipment of the Kings Messenger Matt. The Conduct of the Kings Messenger Matt. The. Challenge of the King to his Messengers Matt. The Kings Honesty. Messengers Matt. The Reasons for the Persecution of the. Kings Messengers Matt. The Prudence of the Kings Messenger. Matt. 1. 0 2. 3The Coming of the King Matt. The Kings Messenger. Kings Sufferings Matt. The Kings Messengers Freedom. Fear Matt. 1. 0 2. The Courage of the Right Matt. God. Cares Matt. The Loyalty of the Kings Messenger and its Reward.