Red Alert 2 Rip Portable Air
RedAlert2RipPortableAirList of U. S. Air Force acronyms and expressions. This is a list of initials, acronyms, expressions, euphemisms, jargon, military slang, and sayings in common or formerly common use in the United States Air Force. Many of the words or phrases have varying levels of acceptance among different units or communities, and some also have varying levels of appropriateness usually dependent on how senior the user is in rank. Many terms also have equivalents among other service branches that are comparable in meaning. Many acronyms and terms have come into common use from voice procedure use over communication channels, translated into the NATO phonetic alphabet, or both. Red Alert 2 Rip Portable Air' title='Red Alert 2 Rip Portable Air' />AC Aircraft. A1. C Airman First Class enlisted pay grade E 3, known as Airman Second Class A2. C from 1. 95. 2 to 1. A2. C Airman Second Class former enlisted pay grade E 3 from 1. A1. CA3. C Airman Third Class former enlisted pay grade E 2 from 1. Amn. AADS Alaskan Air Defense Sector. The Red Cross is probably the bestknown emergency relief organization in the countrybut theyre not necessarily the best. Accusations of mismanagement have. Drone enthusiasts take heed If you dont want to see your precious drone blasted into a million pieces, keep clear of US military installations. MS Paint, the first app you used for editing images, will probably be killed off in future updates of Windows 10, replaced by the new app Paint 3D. Microsoft lists. Batman is a superhero cocreated by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger and published by DC. GameTrailers is your destination to see official trailers first. Powered by IGN, you can expect to see worldfirst exclusive gameplay and the hottest new tra. AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service pronounced A FeesAB Airman Basic enlisted pay grade E 1. AB Air Base. ABDR Aircraft Battle Damage Repair. ABM Air Battle Manager. ABU Airman Battle Uniform. ABW Air Base Wing. ACA Airspace Control Authority. ACC Air Combat Command. ACOT Advanced Communications Officer Training. ACSC Air Command and Staff College. ACW Air Control Wing. The Camco Little Red Campfire is a portable, selfstoring propane campfire thats safe and readytouse almost anywhere USA. ADC Area Defense Counsel. ADC Obsolete term Air Defense Command, later Aerospace Defense Command disestablished MAJCOMADCON Administrative Control. ADP Airman Development Plan. ADPE Automated Data Processing Equipment. This is a list of initials, acronyms, expressions, euphemisms, jargon, military slang, and sayings in common or formerly common use in the United States Air Force. Now that U. S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly has ruled in favor of President Trumps right to appoint OMB Director Mick Mulvaney as the acting director of the. ADR Airfield Damage Repair. ADSC Active Duty Service Commitment. AEF Aerospace Expeditionary Force. AES Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron. AETC Air Education and Training Command. AEW Air Expeditionary Wing. AFA Air Force Academy. AFA Air Force Association. AFAA Air Force Audit Agency. AFAM Air Force Achievement Medal. AFAMS Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation. AFB Air Force Base. AFC2. IC Air Force Command and Control Integration Center. AFCA Air Force Communications Agency. AFCAA Air Force Cost Analysis Agency. AFCAT Air Force Catalog. AFCEC Air Force Civil Engineering Center. AFCEE Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment. AFCENT Air Forces Central. AFCESA Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency. Command-and-Conquer-Generals-Zero-Hour-Free-Download-2.jpg' alt='Red Alert 2 Rip Portable Air' title='Red Alert 2 Rip Portable Air' />AFCFM Air Force Career Field Manager. AFCLC Air Force Culture and Learning Center. AFCM Air Force Commendation Medal. Red Alert 2 Rip Portable Air' title='Red Alert 2 Rip Portable Air' />AFDC Air Force Doctrine Center. AFDW Air Force District of Washington. AFE Aircrew Flight Equipment. AFETS Air Force Engineering and Technical Services. AFFMA Air Force Frequency Management Agency. AFFSA Air Force Flight Standards Agency. AFFSC Air Force Financial Services Center. AFGSC Air Force Global Strike Command. AFH Air Force Handbook. AFHRA Air Force Historical Research Agency. AFI Air Force Instruction or as a duty status, awaiting further instructions. AFIA Air Force Inspection Agency. AFIAA Air Force Intelligence Analysis Agency. AFIS Air Force Inspection System. AFISRA Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency. AFIT Air Force Institute of Technology. AFLC Air Force Logistics Command disestablished MAJCOM merged with AFSC in 1. AFMCAFLMA Air Force Logistics Management Agency. AFLOA Air Force Legal Operations Agency. AFMA Air Force Manpower Agency. AFMAN Air Force Manual. AFMC Air Force Materiel Command. AFMOA Air Force Medical Operations Agency. AFMPC Air Force Military Personnel Center obsolete, replaced with AFPCAFMS Air Force Medical Service or Air Force Manpower Standards. AFMSA Air Force Medical Support Agency. AFNIC Air Force Network Integration Center. AFNOC Air Force Network Operations Center. AFNORTH Air Forces Northern. AFNSEPO Air Force National Security Emergency Preparedness Office. Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate Serial Key. AFNWCA Air Force Nuclear Weapons and Counterproliferation Agency. AFOG Air Force Operations Group. AFOQT Air Force Officer Qualifying Test. AFOTEC Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center. AFPAA Air Force Public Affairs Agency. AFPAM Air Force Pamphlet. AFPC Air Force Personnel Center. AFPCA Air Force Pentagon Communications Agency. AFPD Air Force Policy Directive. AFPEO Air Force Program Executive Office. AFPET Air Force Petroleum Agency. AFPOA Air Force Personnel Operations Agency. AFRBA Air Force Review Boards Agency. AFRC Air Force Reserve Command. AFRIMS Air Force Records Information Management System. AFRL Air Force Research Lab. AFROTC Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps. AFRPA Air Force Real Property Agency. AFS Air Force Station. AFSA Air Force Sergeants Association. AFSC Air Force Safety Center. AFSC Air Force Specialty Code. AFSC Air Force Systems Command disestablished MAJCOM merged with AFLC in 1. AFMCAFSFC Air Force Security Forces Center. AFSO 2. 1 Air Force Smart Operations for the 2. Century. AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Command. AFSOUTH Air Forces Southern. AFSPC Air Force Space Command. AFSVA Air Force Services Agency. AFT Alert Fire Team. AFTO Air Force Technical Order. AFVA Air Force Visual Aids. AFVEC Air Force Virtual Education Center. AFWA Air Force Weather Agency. AG TAG Adjutant General, TheAGE Aerospace Ground Equipment analogous to Ground Support Equipment GSE in USN, USMC and USCG Naval AviationAGE Ranger An AGE Technician. AGR Active Guard and Reserve. AGS Aircraft Generation Squadron. AGSM Anti G Straining Maneuver. AGOW Air Ground Operations Wing. AKRAOC Alaska Region Air Operations Center. ALCM Air Launched Cruise Missile. ALCON All Concerned used in message headers for mass emailingsALO Air Liaison Officer. ALS Airman Leadership School. AMC Air Mobility Command. AMJAMS Automated Military Justice Analysis and Management System. Amn Airman enlisted pay grade E 2. AMMO Troop Munitions Systems Technician AMMO U. S. Air ForceAMMS Airborne Missile Maintenance Squadron Missile Badge. AMS Academy of Military Science. AMT Aircraft Metals Technology. AMW Air Mobility Wing. AMXS Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. ANG Air National Guard. ANR Alaskan NORAD Region. AO Authorized Outage. AOC Air and Space Operations Center. AOG Aircraft On Ground. AP Air Police Obsolete term now called Security Forces SFAPS Aerial Port Squadron. ARI Alcohol Related Incident. ARS Obsolete term Air Rescue Squadron formerly ARRS, now known as a Rescue Squadron RQSARRS Obsolete term Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron. ART AEF Air Expeditionary Force Reporting Tool. ART Air Reserve Technician. ART Armed or Alarm Response Team. ARW Air Refueling Wing. AS Airlift Squadron. AS Air Station. ASAP As Soon As Possible. ASBC Air and Space Basic Course. ASI Authorized Service Interruption. ASR Airport Surveillance Radar. ATAG Assistant to the Adjutant General. ATC Air traffic control. ATC Air Training Command disestablished MAJCOM superseded in 1. AETCATCALS Air Traffic Control and Landing Systems. ATO Air Tasking Order. ATO Anti Terrorism Officer. AU Air University. AU ABC Air University Associate to Baccalaureate Cooperative. AW Airlift Wing. AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System on the E 3 Sentry aircraft. AWACS A War Against Common Sense. AWC Air War College. AWOL Absent Without Leave. AWP Awaiting Parts. BAH Basic Allowance for Housing. BAS Basic Allowance for Subsistence. BASH BirdWildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard. The Doomsday Vault Isnt Flooded But Were All Still Going to Die. It was a story that was too good to pass up. The Svalbard doomsday seed vault had flooded because of global warming induced high temperatures melting the surrounding permafrost. But according to one of the vaults creators, the reports are pretty overblown and everythings fine. Well, the vaults fine. The apocalypse is still ticking along nicely. Just in time for doomsday, Norways Doomsday Vault is getting an expansion. Officially known asRead more Read. The Doomsday Vault is about 8. Arctic Circle and holds close to a million seed samples from all over the world. The idea is that if a certain crop goes extinct, there will be backup samples waiting in the middle of nowhere. So when news broke that the record setting heat over the last year caused the permafrost that the vault is sunk into to melt and seep inside, it was obviously alarming. The Guardian wrote that meltwater was sent gushing into the entrance tunnel. Popular Science spoke with Cary Fowler, one of the creators of the vault to see just how serious the situation really is. Flooding is probably not quite the right word to use in this case, he told them. According to Fowler, a little bit of water has made its way into the entrance every year. Though he wasnt present at the vault when the flooding occurred this year, he insists that its a pretty routine occurrence. The tunnel was never meant to be water tight at the front, because we didnt think we would need that, he tells Pop Sci. Basically, theres a 1. Before you reach the vault doors, the ground shifts uphill. This little area allows water to collect and two pumps can evacuate it. Hege Njaa Aschim, a Norwegian government official, told the Guardian, A lot of water went into the start of the tunnel and then it froze to ice, so it was like a glacier when you went in. And well, thats not really a crisis. In fact, according to Fowler, if the water were to make it all the way uphill it would get hit with temperatures around minus 1. Still, the seed vault is supposed to function without humans having to get involved with maintenance. The Norwegian government is studying the situation and plans to fix the leak. Fowler insists that based on his teams studies, if all the worlds ice melted, and the worlds biggest tsunami occurred in front of the vault it would still be sitting around five to seven stories above the action. And we, of course, would probably be dead. Popular Science, The Guardian.